Our Story

The Beginning

While browsing the internet one fine day, Adam came across a mushroom growing community online. He was fascinated by the idea and experimented with growing them at home. Seeing them grow made him happy. To share this happiness of growing your healthy crop, he partnered with Raeesa and built a team to make the grow kits, and Grow The FunGuy happened. We did all the complex parts, so you just have to spray and grow.

Adam is a remote software engineer in a US startup. He loves coding, philosophy, farming , football and mushrooms. His wife Raeesa is an Artist and owns her online art business Beautiful Oops. She is the creative and marketing head of the team. They both love travelling and journal their travel stories at retirebythirtyone. Growthefunguy is their brain child made out of their love for mushrooms.

Our Mission

Provide the best quality materials for growing your mushrooms at home. Guide people to start their mushroom farms and make a living out of them. 

Our Vision

Educate the people on the benefits of different types of medicinal and gourmet mushrooms and provide them to the masses economically.